WarDucks Map Platform

Music Mania will differeniate itself from other Metaverse project by using WarDucks Mapping Platform. This gives us the ability to produce real-world maps like no other game studio. We take the same data that games like Pokemon Go, or blockchain projects like Upland use, but take it to the next level. Instead of ignoring a ton of data and producing only a flat map that has roads and water shapes, we create a fully realized 3D world that has everything from height data, to zoning data, to exactly where every public bin is placed (if we so wanted that). We’ll be using that tool to create one of the most fully-realized digital twins of the real world, and then giving it a groovy skin and adjustments to really make Music Mania come to life. Folks who are familiar with New York, or have always wanted to check it out should be right at home in the game! You can even use Google Earth to check us if you really want to.

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