
Artists have a few different stats on their card, so we'll explain each one in turn.

Skills, or Skill Cards

Skill Cards are how your Artist actually performs, these are the things that they can do during combat. Every Artist has 3 skills associated with them, and they're color coded by what stat they mostly work off of. So at a glance you can see how well an Artist's Skills are aligned with their other stats.


Volume functions as HP for your Artist, if Volume reaches 0 at any point during the band battle that Artist is out for the Round (a term called Muted), and all their Skill Cards remaining in your hand flip over.

Follower Count

This is a measure of how popular your Artist is outside of this direct gig. Follower Count directly affects how many Fans will initially show up in the Crowd for your Artist's Band at any given band battle. After all, this is exactly a popularity contest. Very few Skill Cards use Follower Count as a stat.


This is a measure of how good your Artist is musically. Skill Cards that use the Talent stat will often directly affect Hype and are usually about just how good of a musician your Artist is.

Stage Presence

This is a measure of how good your Artist is at working with the crowd at your battle. Not all of playing a good gig is good music, sometimes just the raw charisma of an Artist is enough to win the crowd. Skill Cards that use the Stage Presence stat will often directly affect Hype.


This is how good your Artist is at talking @&$% to other Artists. Skill Cards that use the Diss stat will usually target and deal damage to another Artist's Volume.

Special Ability

Some Artists have a Special Ability associated with them (Special Ability is technically an Artist Attribute, but we'll discuss it here briefly). They range from passive abilities, to powerful Encore abilities (which we will discuss later). Abilities should be obvious by their text as to what they do. Look for the Special Ability section on a given Artist, and mouse-over them to see what each one does.

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