City Buildings

Across the city there will be several kinds of buildings, each with its own use case. Buildings can be purchased by players who can level them up, improving their functionality.

Jam Space

Visit various Jam Spaces around the island to keep your band growing and moving to the next biggest thing. Convert experience gained during Band Battles into powerful level-ups that will make your Artists sound even better than before!

Talent Agency

Refine your portfolio by using one of the Talent Agencies located in the city. Here you can dismiss Artists you’re not wanting to use in exchange for powerful tools to customize and upgrade other Artists. Exchange out their Skill Cards, upgrade their stats, or even upgrade their rarity.

Radio Station

Spread the word, take the airwaves by storm and generate buzz around your Band. At Radio Stations, you can spread the hype and get the island’s residents excited about your unique brand of music. When people are excited about your music, they’ll be more likely to come to whatever Band Battle you’re taking part in. And the larger the crowd you have, the more of your fans are in that crowd, the more likely you are to come out with the hypest track of the night and take the victory!

Record Store

A Band can’t jam without the hands on the instruments! At Record Stores, you can recruit new Artists to your portfolio using different types of records. You’ll always receive at least one free Artist from a regular record every single day, so don’t forget to stop by one of the various stores around the city at least once a day. But Record Stores are also able to specialize once they are upgraded enough, so choose which one you want to visit carefully to find what best suits your goals, strategy, and portfolio.

Concert Venues

This is where the magic happens, the only places on the whole of Manhattan that are prepared to host the face-melting rhythms of your Bands. Concert Venues are available throughout the city and are where you go to seek out other Bands to pit yourself and your Bands against. Owners of concert Venues can even set up special queues that can turn gameplay on its head or only allow certain Band types to participate!

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